Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Olney Hyms...

I am currently meditating on the great book of hymns written by John Newton, William Cowper and other hymn writers called, "The Olney Hyms." I am studying the book of Hebrews right now and came across this hymn based on Heb. 4:2. Unlike many of the gospel songs we grew up with, these kinds of hymns were written by theologians and pastors. The reason they are so delightful is becuase they beautifully set forth the objective truths of the gospel in poetic form. Also, unlike many of the more contemporary songs written today, these hymns were radically Christ-oriented. I'm absolutely shocked by some of the "worship songs" that we sing today. Many of them are individualistic, man-centered, shallow, and lacking in theological depth. I think this hymn in the Olney Collection is a great example of the kind of texts we need to sing and meditate upon in corporate gatherings. Our affections must be grounded in theological truth. Otherwise, we're worshipping a "god" of our own making, not the God of the Bible. Hymns that testify of the whole counsel of God are what the church needs most, not shallow, man-centered ditty's with half truths and ugly language. We need beauty and it's the truth that is beautiful. I hope you find this hymn as encouraging as I did...

Israel in ancient days,
Not only had a view
Of Sinai in a blaze,
But learn'd the gospel too:
The types and figures were a glass
In which they saw the Savior's face.

The paschal sacrifice,
And blood besprinkled door,
Seen with enlightened eyes,
And once applied with pow'r;
Would teach the need of other blood,
to reconcile an angry God.

The Lamb, the Dove, set forth
His perfect innocence,
Whose blood, of matchless worth,
Should be the soul's defense:
For he who can for sin atone,
Must have no failings of his own.

The scape goat on his head
The peoples trespass bore,
And to the desert led,
Was to be seen no more:
In him, our Surety seemed to say,
"Behold, I bear your sins away."

Dipt in his fellows blood
The living bird went free,
The type, well understood,
Expressed the sinner's plea;
Described a guilty soul enlarged,
And by a Savior's death discharged.

Jesus I love to trace
Throughout the sacred page;
The footsteps of thy grace,
The same in every age!
O grant that I may faithful be
To clearer light, vouchsafed to me.


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