Good News for Losers

I recently picked up Michael Horton's new book, "Too Good to be True" and found this quote by Nietzsche in Horton's chapter entitled, "good news for losers." I found this quote very intriguing.
"The Christian movement is a degeneracy movement composed of reject and refuse elements of every kind...It is therefore not national, not racially conditioned; it appeals to the disinherited everywhere; it is founded on a rancor against everything well constituted and dominant: it needs a symbol that represents a curse on the well-constitued and dominant. It also stands in opposition to every spiritual movement, to all philosophy: it takes the side of idiots and utters a curse on the spirit. Rancor against the gifted, learned, spiritually independent: it detects in them the well constituted, the masterful. Dionysus [the god of revelry who was cut in pieces] versus the "crucified": there you have the antithesis. It is not a difference in regard to their martyrdom- it is a difference in the meaning of it... The god on the cross is a curse on life, a signpost to seek redemption from life; Dionysus cut to pieces is a promise of life: it will be eternally reborn and return again from destruction."
-From The Will to Power
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This comment from Nietzche:
"Dionysus cut to pieces is a promise of life: it will be eternally reborn and return again from destruction."
...sounds like Plato in Timaeus (on Creation) on the eternality and transmigration of section which didn't make much sense to me as i read it today.
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