Saturday, September 09, 2006

Critical Spirits v.s. Loving Hearts

In my last post I emphasized the absolute neccessity of discernment in the lives of all Christians. In this post, I would like to briefly talk about the neccessity of love in the lives of all Christians. As I've said before, I am a Reformed/Amillenialist student attending a very dispensational college. Many of the students and faculty at this college are very turned off to Reformed Theology because of reformed students in the past who have (with good intentions) been argumentative and divisive. I see a dire need for students (whether dispensational or reformed) to beseech the Lord for a spirit of grace and love as they attempt to point others to the truth of the gospel. I was thinking about this today: Reformed Christians should be the most humble, gracious, and loving people that this world has ever seen! The truths of Reformed Theology are wonderfully humbling and should produce in us a spirit of grace, humility, and love not bitterness, "righteous anger", or divisiveness. Like I said in my previous post, this does not mean that we aren't to be discerning. We are indeed responsible to defend the sacred truths of the gospel and to recognize error when error is taught. It is indeed my conviction that dipensationalism in an erroneous system of doctrine which is foreign to Biblical teaching and potentially harmful to the mind and hearts of Christ's people. Yet in all our interactions and conversations we must be gracious and humble. If this humility and grace isn't present within our lives, then we have failed to truly and properly understand the truths of the Reformation which are none other than the truths of the Bible.
Deus Pro Nobis


Blogger Matt H said...


Good stuff!

I just wanted to say hey and that we are praying for your family.

check my blog out at

2:29 PM  

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