Critical Thinking v.s. a Critical Spirit: The Importance of Discernment

Postmodern thinking pervades our culture and has even influenced those churches who claim to be opponents of pragmatism and post-modernism (the seeker movement and the "emergent church." One particular manifestation of this spirit of ecumenicism is in the commonly stated assertion that, "people need to stop being so critical of other teachers." Granted, bitterness and militant dogmatism is a dangerous extreme to which all Christians should flee. Yet at the other end of the spectrum there is a mindset which seems at first sight to be noble but turns out to be nothing but mindlessness and anti-intellectualism. The reason I bring this up is because I attend a small Baptist college where people are constantly confusing critical thinking with bitterness. If you happen to disagree with the theology of a particular chapel speaker, then the verdict is this: you're unloving or you're not gracious or you're a nitpicking dogmatist. It is my fear that many of these students are fallaciously confusing Discernment and Bitterness. They are not the same. We must be discerning! We must graciously defend the truths of the gospel with loving hearts and discerning minds. The church of Jesus Christ cannot merely sit back while some teacher disgraces the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and makes a mockery of the inspired Word of God from the pulpit. And Beware! Wolves in sheeps clothing are not always easy to spot. We must love and defend, speak words of kindness and words of correction. Discerning truth from error is the solemn responsibility of a Christian and an "I'm ok, you're ok" attitude towards teaching will destroy the church. Sadly, many churches have already been destroyed through this lack of discernment. Let us stand for truth and continually reform our hearts and minds.
Soli Deo Gloria
Thank you! The lines seem to be blured and it is nice and affirming to hear someone share my point of view...We must protect the Gospel!
Together for the Gospel,
Thank you! The lines seem to be blured and it is nice and affirming to hear someone share my point of view...We must protect the Gospel!
Together for the Gospel,
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