A little over a month ago, a blogger named "Frank Vance" came out with information about Ligonier Ministries, saying that Tim Dick (President of Ligonier and R.C. Sproul's son in law) had conned Don Kistler by removing an article in a contract that gave Dr. Kistler the right to maintain his managerial position at Soli Deo Gloria. Ever since, an outburst of controversy has erupted over this issue. Vance's website contains many posts throughout the past month in which he has slandered, mistreated, and (in a spirit of division and anger) attacked Ligonier and R.C. Sproul himself. In September, Ligonier filed a lawsuit against Vance and then weeks later, dropped the it. Yet still, Vance is eagerly looking for any opportunity to slander Ligonier and its employees while trying to recruit a band of followers to his cause. His self righteous defense of his sinful speech, his slanderous remarks directed towards R.C. Sproul and his family, and his ignorant and foundationless criticisms of Ligonier are still spewing forth even after Ligonier dropped the suit. I want people to remember why all this started. Frank Vance claimed that Don Kistler was conned into losing his company. Frank Vance claimed that Don Kistler suffered his heart attack because of the trickery and deceit of Ligonier causing him stress. Frank Vance claimed that R.C. Sproul wouldn't even talk to Dr. Kistler and refused him speaking opportunities. Let's hear whatDon Kistler has said for himself. This is a letter written by Dr. Kistler which explains the truth about this whole situation. I want the readers to remember that Frank Vance through his gossip and deceit is responsible for creating this sad division and will be held accountable for his actions. He's quick to point the finger at Ligonier, but he what he doesn't recognize is that HE himself is the one who started this whole controversy by claiming that an unreliable and shady piece of information (with no evidence whatsoever to back it up) was in fact the gospel truth about Tim Dick, Ligonier, and R.C. Sproul.
I have been reading several blogsites lately where things have been posted regarding Ligonier Ministries and its president and CEO, Tim Dick, and the acquisition of Soli Deo Gloria Ministries. I think that I am in a good position to correct some misconceptions and misrepresentations regarding that situation and subsequent allegations.
First, Soli Deo Gloria was not defrauded by Tim Dick or Ligonier. Our ministry was not stolen. We signed an agreement to become part of Ligonier Ministries. There was no switching of contracts, and there was no duplicity in their dealings with us. I have no idea where this came from, or who is making such statements-but they did not come from me.
Second, I am not being mistreated by R.C. Sproul. He is not treating me as a "persona non grata," nor is he failing to speak to me. Neither am I seeing any form of retaliation from Tim Dick, as has been erroneously reported. Those things have simply not happened.
Third, I can accept invitations to speak and/or preach as I am asked. Ligonier has been most accommodating in that respect.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me during my recent stroke due to a brain hemorrhage. I am recovering well, albeit slowly. This is why it has taken me until now to respond regarding this matter.
I hope this helps to clear up some of the allegations and accusations that have been made. I also hope it serves to restore people’s opinions regarding Tim Dick, Ligonier Ministries, and my dear friend R. C. Sproul. He remains the object of my highest respect and deepest affection, and I look forward to many years of serving the Lord as part of the Ligonier Ministries team.
Dr. Don Kistler
Jordon, have you verified this statement? I ask because the other two statements Ligoneir put out to only Challies, World and Frank were proven to be lies. The lawsuit was not withdrawn as the statements said. As a matter of fact, we find out from the court that the day before the statements came out, Ligoneir was in court trying for an ex parte hearing. Do you know what that is? it is very sinister. Look it up.
So they did NOT withdraw the lawsuit when they released the statements. And, no one could find the statements on their website without a special link that was provided to Challies and Frank. Why?
Finally, after many calls to Ligonier outraged by the lies, they withdraw the lawsuit... 8 days after the statements. Why the lies? For people like you to believe?
Then we read in the Orlando Sen that they attorneys withdrew the lawsuit without predjudice (so they can sue again in the future) and hired a PI to find Frank! (with donor money)
Do these sound like Christians to you? If they do, then you are in trouble.
So, people are asking why Kistler has not said a word except for the nefarious statement. At this point, his statement cannot be verifed. I for one, since seeing facts of Ligoneirs lies, will not believe the statement until it can be verifed.
You are protecting liars and deceievers. Trust God. Follow Christ only and seek truth.
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